In the aftermath of the June uprising and the brutal ways in which peaceful protesters were beaten, murdered, imprisoned, raped, and tortured, Iranians have begun to define their own forms of civil disobedience from boycotting products advertised on state run IRIB, to nightly chanting Allah-o-Akbar on their rooftops, to turning off their electricity during state officials’ TV appearances. One of the most effective methods of public disobedience for Iranians has become writing their thoughts on city walls. The explosion of “green graffiti” has put the Iranian authorities in a position of hiring people whose job it is to erase or to write over wall-written slogans of protest against the rigged elections, an illegitimate president, and most prominently the ruthless Supreme Leader of Iran, or in support of Mir Hossein Mousavi. People are also using the internet to disseminate information about making stencils for rapid marking of their selected walls. Divar Nevisi (writing on walls) is taking place all over Iran now. Here are some photographs of city walls from Zanjan to Isfahan, Mashad to Shiraz, Tehran to Kerman and even Qom. I have been collecting these images from different blogs and websites for a few weeks now. I would like to share them with you. 123 next › last »