Fatemeh Alia (فاطمه آلیا) was nominated by Ahmadinejad on Sunday to be the next Islamic Republic of Iran’s Minister of Education. She is the same person that about a year and half ago declared that “…Simon de Beauvoir (سيمون دوبوار) Street in the west part of Tehran should be renamed after female martyrs, or the first woman martyr at the dawn of the Islamic Revolution…” Simon de Beauvoir was one of the most famous female writers and philosophers who was influential in the French, and the world, literature, but the street was not in her name, it was named after Simon Bolivar (سيمون بوليوار). Apparently back then she was not yet prepared to be the next Minister of Education, otherwise she would have done her homework on Simon Bolivar, the Liberator of Latin America, who was instrumental in the defeat of Spanish Monarchy in Latin America, and is beloved in that part of the world by at least six different countries. Simon Bolivar is definitely a man, and not a woman, and apparently Fatemeh Alia in her rush to push forward her Islamic feminist agenda had failed to check his private parts. Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela who is a great fan of Simon Bolivar, had asked the Iranian authorities to name one of Tehran’s streets after Simon Bolivar in exchange for his installation of a statue of Omar Khayyam at the National Library in Caracas.
Fatemeh Alia is one of the most conservative female Islamo feminist minister candidates Ahmadinejad could have come up with to fool the people into believing that the regime is capable of granting equal rights to women. She is the one that said men’s abusiveness towards women is not harassment. She is the one who has said on the record that the philosophy of polygamy at the end is beneficial to women, and women should try to lay this issue in its proper bed. As a devoted Shiia Muslim, she is in favor of temporary marriage between men and women (not to be confused between men and sheep). She believes that Imam Zaman frequents Iran’s Parliament, and not only visits Majlis members in their bed but also while they’re passing laws for their constituencies.
Her department is incorrectly listed as Ministry of Education in western media, however in Farsi it is called (وزارت آموزش و پرورش). The correct translation should have been Ministry of Education and Nourishment. The intent here is not only to educate the so called ignorant masses, but also to nourish them in the way of living under the yoke of the Islamic regime. Under her leadership all male teachers will be encouraged to have four wives, and female teachers will be encouraged to take four husbands, no wait a minute I got this one wrong, all female teachers are encouraged to be married to a man that has at least three other wives already, if she wants to get any salary increases. All female students will be required to get married at the age of nine if they eventually want to get a high school diploma about nine years later.
One of her first orders as of the new Minster will be to build taller walls around female schools, and to color all classroom widows black; to be sure no men with dirty minds and dirty eyes would set an eye on the female students. The new female uniforms will be all black chadors, and no more nose jobs will be allowed, unless the person who wants to get a nose job will be willing to get married right away to an akhondzadeh right after her nose wounds are healed and she can breathe throw her nose while sucking on this rosary. All curriculums that require use of two eyes will be declared un-Islamic in all-girls schools; so therefore not to hinder the progress of female students under her administration all binocular-microscopes will be replaced with monocular-microscopes. All none Islamic educational books that show anatomically correct pictures of female human bodies will be replaced with Islamically correct anatomical bodies, i.e. female bodies will be covered from head to toe.
There will be an increase in the amount of how much Islamic none sense can be crammed in a student head, so beside the usual religion studies, there also be other extra curricular activities on such subjects as how to spot faces of Imams on the surface of the moon, how to detect haloes around the head of the Islamic Presidents, how to eliminate poverty with distribution of potatoes and gain votes at the same time, how to lie without blinking an eye, and how to join the basiji apparatuses and shoot people with immunity.
Okay, I’m out of here. Over 750 words; that should be enough to describe the woman.