Persia for Persians

The influence of Arabic words in Persian culture has been bothering me a lot lately, particularly since the tragic revolution of 1997. We, as Persians, must strive to remove as many Arabic words from use in our daily lives and practice not useing them.  A perfect example would be to use the word Droud instead of Slam.   To the young Iranians who have made us proud of being Iranians/Persians for the past 3 months of courageous uprising, I have an idea for the continuation of the Green Movement.  The idea is to remove every Arabic street sign from every city across the country and dispose of them.  All that is needed is a screw driver to do the job, and a couple minutes some dark evening.  This could be a very effective way to offend this anti-Iranian regime.  Think about it, thousands of signs disapearing every night.  Sure, they will put them back, but, after a couple weeks you can take them again without worrying about getting into too much trouble and making a powerful statement at the same time.  This will positively drive them crazy and the risk is minimal.  Keep fighting the good fight.


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