The cancerous tumour of Islam which is growing in size and people think it is due to its popularity but in fact is the rapid cell growth through procreation and poverty , is now starting to destroy the remaining good cells in its body through arrestes, assassinations and destructions. The Chemotherapy that the so called Muslim imtellectuals and non-Muslims naiives are trying to administer to islam to try to save it is not working and soon it will devour all the remaining good cells and destroy itself. I feel sorry for the good cells but they are the ones who choose to be attached to this body. The only good medicine for Islam is moderation and coexistance with others on the face of planet but it seems they choose to revert to fundamentalism and feel superior to anyone else and oppress others. Anyway if prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) prophecized the annihilation of Islam by its leaders then who am I to disagree ?!
Fatabaoo yaa olo absaar ,
Bund, ghaazi ol ghozaat Jimzbund