We “Had” the Power to Begin the World Over Again
Eight years later two major wars have cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Millions have either become refugees or killed. As the tyranny of institutional
Eight years later two major wars have cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Millions have either become refugees or killed. As the tyranny of institutional
For 1400 years Shiites have cursed Yazid and his family for killing their Imam Hussein at the karbala battle. Everything wouls atrt with Salam bar
Four out of five of the 1,003 Iranian respondents interviewed in the survey released by WorldPublicOpinion.org (WPO), a project of the highly respected Program on
JUST WALK OUT Subject: Protest by delegations of democratic countries against Human Rights Violations in Iran at the UN General Annual Assembly We, the pro-democracy
Interruption pacifique par refus d’écoute Sujet: Manifestation par les délégations des pays démocratiques contre les abus et atteintes aux droits et libertés humains en Iran
TEHRAN, Sept. 20 — On the eve of a visit by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the United States, Iran’s supreme leader charged Sunday that
آزاده کیان استاد پژوهشگر مرکز تحقیقات ملی فرانسه و دانشگاه پاریس هفت درگفت وگو با روز بسته پیشنهادی ایران به غرب را در راستای سیاست
BBC: The clashes and arrests that marked Friday’s Qud’s (Jerusalem) Day marches have underlined once again how deep and unresolved the crisis and divisions in
Sephia finally gave up on me, she gave up on this cruel world. We were together for five years, not very long according to some standards,
BACK TO THE IRI THAT IS! Vote yes or no ….. let your voice be heard by the soul seller in Massachussets. She can hitch
Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid e-Fitr, which in 2009 occurs on September 21. Literally the “Festival of Breaking the Fast,” Eid e-Fitr is
President Shimon Peres told his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, that Israel would not launch an attack on Iran, the Russian leader said in an interview
بنا بر گزارش “کمپین بینالمللی حقوق بشر در ایران”، ابراهیم شریفی، یکی از جوانهای افشاکنندهی موضوع تجاوز، به خارج از کشور گریخته است. بنابراین گزارش،
خبرگزاری هرانا: برگزاری ایرنا بالاخره اعتراف کرد که کشته شدن محمدجواد پرنداخ بر اثر فشارهای وارده بر وی در زندان حقیقت دارد. به گزارش موج
Freedom, Give me back my Freedom… dedicating this song to all those Iranians who lost their precious lives for Freedom…. Rest In Peace. Hope you
ما همه یک صداییم، ما همه یک نداییم. همدردان،ما بی شمارانیم. بیایید تا همگی برای یکبار و برای هدف مشترک از من و مای خود