Javad Alizadeh has been Transferred from Sanandaj Prison to Hamedan Prison

A few days ago Mr. Javad Alizadeh was transferred from Sanandaj Prison to Hamedan Prison which is in a different province, against his wish. Mr. Alizadeh is serving a one year jail sentence because of his political activities.

Because of his constant protests against the deplorable prison conditions he is treated especially poorly by prison officials and has been sent to solitary confinement on a number of occasions. 

Mr. Alizadeh was a student at Allameh University until he was expelled due to his political activities. He was first arrested on December 7th 2007 (on Student Day) for defending the rights of Kurdish minorities. He remained in custody for 50 days before being released on bail.

He was arrested once again last year during the remembrance ceremony for Ibrahim Lotfollahi (a student killed by the Islamic Regime) because of a speech he made, stating that those responsible for Mr. Lotfollahi’s death must be prosecuted in international criminal courts.

He was arrested, convicted by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in the city of Sanandaj and sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment.

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