Top Ten Similarities Between the Republican Right Wing and the IRI

As much as the Islamist crowd on this site bad mouths the Republicans, it should be pointed out that Republicans (and especially the neocon and fundamentalist branches of it) and the IRI have many things in common.  Here are the top ten similarities between the Republicans and the IRI:

1)      They are both bullies;

2)      They like to create terrorist organizations and use them to achieve their goals;

3)      They are both expansionists;

4)      Neither one of them has the smallest hesitation in sacrificing innocent civilians to achieve their expansionist goals;

5)      They both like to silence their opposition;

6)      They both love money;

7)      They are both religious nuts;

8)      They both claim the right to control the Holy Land via proxies;

9)       They are obsessed with militarizing the country;

10)   They are both messianic.   

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