What would you do if you had U.S.$120,000,000 ?

Last night I found out that a Korean guy I knew back in the 90s had won a huge Mega Millions jack pot worth over $120M a couple of moths ago.  This guy had tried his hand at many different occupations: owning a Korean restaurant, wholesale used car dealer, and in the last 90s, a real estate “kar chagh kon”; he would bring Korean families to buy homes in S. California at the start of the real estate boom and charge a finder’s fee from other Korean agents.  He said he was doing well when we talked back then.

I went through a quick series of emotions after hearing the news about this guy.  First I was happy for this guy and his family, then got depressed about why my tickets never win jack shit and then started thinking what I would do with $120M if that was my ticket that had won?

1) Buy homes for my 2 sons. 

2) Buy cars for my sons.

3) Buy a nicer home for me.

4) Take a 1 year around the world tour with the wife and kids. 

5) Open up a few schools in U.S., Mexico, Iran, and somewhere in Africa for poor kids.

Then I got stuck.  What the hell else would I want to do?  Couldn’t really think of too many other things.  May be a few health clinics here and there……

There are 500 people worldwide who have over $1B in wealth.  Another 2,300 who have between $500M-900M

I am not sure but probably 5,000 more who have between $100M-$500M  (for the link-o-philes on i.com, NO I do not have a source or link for this….purely a guess for the sake of argument)

What the hell do these people do with their money?  Why do they even have that much money?

I think only a sick human being would want or need to have let say more than $500M.  What do you think?  Maybe if I had $500M I wouldn’t be thinking this way.  Who knows.

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