Hussein’s choice

Whereas standard diplomacy is the exercise in which government leaders communicate with one another, public diplomacy is dedicated to communicating with citizens in other countries.

With the advent of easily accessible mass communication, especially since the world wide spread of satellite T.V channels and internet usage, public diplomacy has gained appreciation as an effective foreign policy tool. It is basically a public relation endeavor where the aim is to win hearts and minds through dialogue.  And dialogue by definition requires talking as well as listening.

The United States has a sizable public diplomacy within the State Department which ever since the Islamist homicidal attacks of 9/11 has been given extra prominence in the two successive U.S. administrations.

The mission statement for the program is to present America’s case to foreign audiences and listen to and convey what those audiences have to say to U.S. decision makers.

During the November 4th shameful IRR, Islamist Rapist Republic, annual commemoration of taking American diplomats hostage, many Iranians used the occasion to voice their disgust of the IRR. While the brave men and women were being savagely beaten by the Islamist Rapist goon squads, many pointed slogans including death to Russia and death to Khameni were used.

Hatred of Russia is due to its longstanding cooperation with the Islamist Rapists against people of Iran and Khamenei for being the Head Islamist Rapist.  

But there also was one widely used slogan which should be of special interest to public diplomacy folks in the State Department.  Being aware of number of unsolicited letters and messages from President Obama to the Head Rapist Khamenei seeking friendly relations, throngs of oppressed Iranian men and women repeatedly shouted aloud a catchy rhyming slogan in Persian:

 “Barak Hussein Obama, Ya Ba Una Ya Ba Ma! (Translation: “Barack Hussein Obama– either you’re with them, or with us.” )

The mostly undisputed fact is next to the Israelis the only other friend America has got in the region are the Iranians. Before it is too late and a nuke acquiring IRR imposes a devastating war on Iran and the region, President Obama would do well to hear the unambiguous message of oppressed people of Iran,  don’t be like the Russians and cut a deal with IRR, it is Hussein’s choice.


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