48 hours

Hi Everyone,

It appears iranian.com has survived Tuesday’s crash relatively unscathed. After a good verbal spanking of the company that provides our server, we were told the next day that our data had been recovered.

Kayvan, Foaad and Hamid spent a lot of hours, at odd hours, to take that recovered data and… don’t ask! I don’t understand these technical things very well and I’m just happy things are back to normal.

I felt a huge loss when I first heard an entire month’s worth of content had been wiped out. The memory of so many wonderful features, blogs, comments… were fresh in my mind. I felt terribly sorry for the contributors who had worked hard to produce something special and were then left with a blank page.

But all is ok now. Your babies are back. The only casualties were a few blogs from Wednesday which I was not able to recover.

Thank you for being so patient and understanding.



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