Buried bodies laying down deep inside holes , death bodies of innocent Victims of the Mohamedian Criminal Cult , and it’s Iranian Muslim followers who keep on having faith on a rotten criminal cult of a stone age ,prehistoric Savages and Cannibals of Saudi Arabian origin . The grave yards are flourishing even bigger , it may be needed to make them into an apartments of many floors for the victims of this fucking regime . In fact you must ask yourselves if these ANIMALS in the form of human being wearing their scam artist clothes of a holly cheater men , do they have any thing of special in them ( besides their WORDS of non sense and stupidities about Hell and Heaven and Beautiful girls in Heaven ! [ by the way we want beautiful girls right now !] , stinky promises of and unknown origin to FOOL masses of people to follow them and their cheater intentions into HELL ? Masses of Iranian people have been FOOLED for this long time by these Scam artist merchant of God of those Savages of Saudi ! What to say !…. we feel like stupid and dumb how to reason and understand a nation’s being duped this much , this far and not having any changes of these matters .