Once again I have been witnessing intimidation from a male to a female reader in this site!
Although this can be a general tendency, it is more common among our dear Iranian male gender, specially when it is added to the “Arrivist” caracters, which is another specific disease among us, the Iranians.
The battle between the Natural Siences and the Medical Sciences is nothing new. We all have been exposed to this battle at one or more times in our life, when we had to make a choice for our health problems. But what is outrageous, is the tone that a Man takes to intimidate and belittle the other party who happens to be a Woman!
The Iranian man need (and this is a need with a majuscule N) to have the last word in every debate. When the other party is another man, this is more sensitive. They do care!! They first do an intellectual gymnastic with the party, to see who is bigger. In the other words, they evaluate their forces. So they may or may not take an offensive and superiority tone to put down the other person.
But if the other party is a woman, this is already a won battle for the man!! No matter how stupid this may seem, but this is the absolute truth.
In that debate of last night, the man comes across as a novist, an arrivist medical student who needs to prove his superiority. Being an Iranian male, added to the “wanna be” character of Iranian “wanna be doctor” which is very much cliché among all the iranian in Diaspora, you can’t but showing deliberate arrogance to put down a “Woman” who dares to speak and share her knowledge on a matter that “Only You” can and should show off !
No matter if this woman, has a Masters degree from one of the most well-known universities of CT, as long as she is a “woman” and she is not a “doctor” she has to shut up and sit back to let a Male medical student to speak and show off here!!!
How could a woman, an Iranian woman, dare to talk (in the first place) and above all, to disagree with the Iranian Man who indeed is a Medical student and the spot light of all his entourage of the arrivist Iranian in Diaspora? Are you kidding?
The whole world is now debating on this matter of Swine flu and the vaccine and the pro and cons of its side effects, but that is nothing! As long as you are in front of a Male-Iranian-medical-student, you will shut up if you are a woman, leave alone if you are an Iranian woman. You should have learnt your lesson by now !!
Dear next-to-be Doc,
Let me tell you something: The woman you were trying to put down last night, brings the most valuable contents in this site for every one! We all have a family doctor in our town. The one who makes us waiting two hours after our RV and when we finally get Mosharaf to his/her ziarat, doesn’t allow us to talk more than 10 mn because he must run after another $70 visit!!!
It is a long while, that I gave up hope to the medicine school who create hundred thousands of clones every year, almost all the same arrogant wannabe who suffer from their superiority complex (wheatear Iranian or not)
On this matter of Swine Flu we have been reading medical articles and listening to the media’s moezeh every day, so much that we became suspicious and raise the good questions about the real reason of all this hoopla, being just a pharmaceutical complot!
My ear is full of those medical advices to get vaccinated and kill the windmill ! What I need to know is something new! A point of view from someone who is not only educated in the health matter but also devoted and brings all her knowledge here for free !! to make us feel better about ourselves and give us a new perspective on our personal life. She is educating us on our eating behaviour. She is the most interesting person in this site which her blogs are always read by many fans who just ask her all the basic questions about food and health matters!
Who you think you are to come here with your new shoes, trying to put down such a gem, just to get your point across?
How many times and how long, should the women get intimidated and leave the site by the feeling of humiliation and frustration that you the men, are always practicing in here?
Why can’t you just say what you have to say and leave room for others to speak too?
Your opinion is welcome, your intimidation of others is not!
Next time you come here, leave your shoes at the clinic where you are practicing (preaching) We don’t need them here!