On Friday Muhammad ElBaradei the outgoing Egyptian Secretary General of IAEA, who will be vacating his post in nine days in regards to the rejection of his latest nuke plan by the IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic said:
“I believe frankly the ball is very much in the Iranian court. I hope they will not miss this unique but fleeting opportunity.”
That statement coming from a person who based on words and deeds cannot be accused of having any unfriendly posture toward the IRR, is very telling. ElBaradei doggedly held the sane world’s feet to the fire for as he alleged not trying hard enough but always spoke softly with and about the Islamist Rapists.
Of course the outgoing Secretary General is not going to leave the IRR all high and dry, that wouldn’t be ElBaradei of him. In the same press conference the wise Egyptian also said he was opposed to sanctions even if Tehran officially rejected his plan:
“Are sanctions going to resolve the issue? I don’t think so. In my view sanctions are going to make things much worse,” he said, adding that this would probably make Iran “more hawkish.”
With that ElBaradei is reiterating his long held position which without offering any plan to force the Islamist Rapists to abide by the NPT rules is opposed to application of pressure on the IRR. When it comes to the Islamist rapists this nonsensical approach is held by some other individuals and lobbies extending it to all its gross violations of rules and civilized behavior.
With all the attention on how best to appease IRR, Iranian men, women and children are being raped, tortured and murdered and them illegal nuke centrifuges are spinning producing more and more dual use uranium.
Another IRR delaying tactic is just gathering strength. Islamist Rapists’ foreign minister, nuke lobbyists and other Islamist gofers of IRR have just begun floating a ridiculous nonstarter idea of inside Iran uranium for fuel rod swap deal.
Before it is too late and the nuke acquiring IRR imposes a devastating war on Iran and the region the sane world has to step in. Airtight sanctions in tandem with moral and material supports to the Iranian people to soften the sanction blow and empower them to overthrow the Islamist menace is a must. Time is of the essence.