Have you noticed this?

The way western governments treat Iranian government regarding the nuclear issues and Iran’s rule in international community.

We all know that when west and Russia come to Iran’s issue they follow a double standard. They have frequently denied Iran’s right to nuclear issue, ignored her right to have a say in critical international issues even when it directly affects her, and also they don’t hesitate to reject or delay her requests for a fair treatment with respect to her internal and external affairs such as legitimate defense and international policies.

On the other hand we see the exact same treatment that Iranians receive from their own government when it comes to their rights. The Iranian government delays, rejects and follow a double standard with respect to human rights in Iran. They don’t hesitate to shove people, reject their basic rights and leave the door open to take advantage of vague laws to push for their own agenda.

It is time for the hardliners in Iran to come to this realization that there might be a direct correlation between the way they view their own people and the way people outside of Iran view them.

Why not for god’s sake IRI tries to change its behavior towards its own people and see how things change in return internationally.

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