I have noticed a clear rise in posting of open support for IRR on this site. We have always had for a long time closet supporters, but recently we see No Fear, Jenaab Sargord , Reza Esfandiari & yousef Bozrgmehr,…..What’s going on? Where were these guys before the (S)election fiasco? Is IRR scared shitless? Do mediums like Iranian.com have any impact in organizing the movement? Why show up here with western educated prostitutes to muddy the water? “I am AN supporter, ask me any question…”, “No Rest or Peace”,…..
I’ve been here well over a year now and never seen anything like this befoe. Where the hell have all these openly defenders of IRR been? Why now?Call me “day dreamer”, “naïve”, “wishful thinker”, or simply “stupid”….But, I smell victory.