Wake up!

For the longest time it was asked of America to meet face to face with IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, she did as asked.

For the longest time it was asked of America to start talking and stop threatening, she did as asked.

For the longest time it was asked of America to cut funding to the organizations IRR deemed unfriendly, she did as asked.

For the longest time it was asked of America to not set a deadline with IRR, she did as asked.

For the longest time it was asked of America to be open to negotiating about everything, she did as asked.

For the longest time Islamist lobbies, individual international gofers, clueless peace and Anti-war activists who were being played demanded the above which they got and then some.  A series of unsolicited letters from U.S. President to Head Rapist Khamenei asking for friendly relations were sent, at least one of which at the height of “election” fiasco.

The fact that such letter was sent while Islamist Rapists had sharpshooters on the rooftops randomly picking off peaceful Iranian demonstrators, men, women and children detainees were being tortured and  raped in rape centers like Kahrizak,  is way more than what was asked of America and still she did it.

Now that IRR has unmistakably thumbed its nose at IAEA, and

Now that IRR has unmistakably thumbed its nose at United Nation Security Council and

Now that IRR has unmistakably thumbed its nose at President Obama’s stretched out hand of friendship,

Would the usual friends mind revealing their next bright idea on how to tame the Islamist monster? 

A lot of time has been wasted on foolishness and plying into IRR’s hand, before it is too late and the nuke acquiring IRR imposes a devastating war on Iranians and the entire region the sane world has to wake up. Impose airtight sanctions; openly help enslaved Iranians with moral and material support to overthrow the unreformable messianic Islamist usurpers. Time is running out, for peace sake wake up! 

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