Now that IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that:

It is unreformable.

It is only interested in the act of negotiation and not its outcome.

It is not trustworthy by any means.

It is neither Islamic nor republic.

It is firmly on the nuke path with every possibility of having mushroom cloud making capability.

It unashamedly rapes, tortures and murders the enslaved Iranian men, women and children with impunity.

The unanswered question remains, what is to be done with IRR? Even though Islamist Rapists have said so in words and deeds that they are not interested the usual friends along with the idealists advise continuing with negotiation on top of more negotiation.

For the clear heads the option is as has always been, either delaying the eventuality by learning to live with the nuke capable messianic Islamist Rapists with often pronounced ambitions extending well beyond Iranian borders, or doing something to effectuate a fundamental change.

Both options in reality are the same; the first one provides the false sense of security till the second option is unavoidable but with a much heavier price tag.

As unbelievable as it might sound to pragmatic minded sane world, the messianic Islamist Rapists are on a doomsday path; the sooner they are headed off the less costly it would be.

Too much time has been spent on asinine exercises based on wrong perception of Islamist dogma courtesy of observations of bookish frequent flyer experts with sane world mentality, organizations with cursory understanding of the deeply ingrained macabre beliefs in supernatural powers at play and lobbies with malignant motivations.

To avoid cataclysmic war that the nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists are in the process of imposing on Iran and the entire region, the sane world has to come to its senses. There is a lot the democracy underwriter can do by openly helping enslaved Iranians take matters into their own hand and relieve themselves and the entire civilized world of the Islamist menace. It is time to act, ASAP!

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