
Cool Karate Kids

خبرگزاری هرانا – حقوق زنان: مخالفت با حجاب اجباری به تازگی پای به عرصه ورزش گذاشته است و هر روز خبر تازه ای از نافرمانی

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Techniques of Propaganda

Appeal to fear: Appeals to fear seeks to build support by instilling fear in the general population – for example Joseph Goebbels exploited Theodore Kaufman’s

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Taking mercy on rapists

It was a dud, well more than a dud; it was another episode of displaying the unbridgeable divide between the rulers and the ruled. IRR,

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Music, Youth, and Me

I attended a Rock/Pop concert for the first time in my life. The band was Mother Mother who had recently won an award from CBC3

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