Graphics in honour of Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri

A dead man’s wealth is the love, dignity and wisdom that he has nurtured in the heart of others.

Bravest of men must be those who for the love of humanity would stand up and admit their mistakes as he did with the development of ‘supreme leader’ concept.

I am not a religious man, so I mourn not an Ayatollah but the loss of a man who stood by the Iranian people.

I have created this work in his honour, although I have issues with Islam and it’s history; I nevertheless respect him for trying to promote a peaceful, dignified version of this faith.

The faith that our Iranian ancestors poured their heart into and transformed from a primitive faith to one that could develop some into more altruistic beings.

I guess the image shows the horror that this man was trying to warn his peers about. An axe in a murder’s hand is an instrument of death and in the right hands it can build a shelter for others. It is a shame that History had other plans for us and our country was not kept in safe hands.

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