Not that it has ever been a calm tranquil day in the past thirty years but things are getting hot again back in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.
The final realization of Islamist Rapists’ total and system wide immunity to any sort of reform even at the hands of ultimate insiders like a two-term Prime Minister, two-term President and former Speaker of what fronts as Parliament is slowly sinking in.
Here comes the avalanche of self professed experts who all, to the one, have documented failure of insight into events and where they are leading to inform all what needs to be not done. That is right, now that their recopies for what needs to be done have been followed resulting in what no one can deny to be an undeniable political dead-end in IRR, now is the time to concentrate on what is not to be done.
Talk about the second, third, fourth and fifth bite of the apple and all from the safety of the sane world while Iranian men, women and children are being raped, tortured and murdered.
The do nothing gang has mobilized to let the sane world know the best possible policy to help matters in Iran is actually the policy of doing nothing. Well, not exactly, the usual package of lets help the civil society, have more trade and give IRR security guarantee is still being pushed, but these experts strongly advise against doing nothing.
When the overseas representative of one of the purported leaders of the “Green Movement” openly asks for the regime to be sanctioned economically, all of the sudden the usual experts become hard of hearing.
U.S. government is at a turning point. Is it going to finally have a policy of openly backing the Iranian people which requires letting go of trying to find a right package to appease and at the same time make IRR safe for the Middle East. Or is it going to try to implement the failed policies yet again trying to disprove one of the well known definitions of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
Before it is too late and the desperate nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists impose a catastrophe on Iran and Iranians the sane world has to wake up. Imposition of airtight sanctions and not piecemeal watered-down feel good sanction is a must. So is to openly and unremittingly helping the enslaved democracy wanting Iranians with moral and material support to overthrow the beacon of Islamist menaces.
A democratic Iran will go a long way in solving many regional problems; America should do that which she is really good at, helping nations gaining entry into family of democracies. Time is of the essence.