In a pure secular democratic Iran who will we blame?

Everything wrong with Iran has always been someone else’s fault.  I and a whole lot of others blame everything on Islam.  Many blame the British.  Others the Jews and Israel.  Some the Bahais, and a great many the U.S.A.  You get the picture.

I wonder after a decade of Iran as a pure secular democracy, who would we blame for our problems?  Don’t think this is a far fetched idea.  The IRI regime will be gone VERY soon.  A secular democratic Iran is a lot more serious than a pipe dream.

Would we acknowledge our problems and then start working on resolving them?  Would our congress or parliment look more like South Korea and Taiwan with fist fights every other session or will it be more like the Americans or British?  Or would be find new entities to blame or better yet, do we continue with the same list? 

In the U.S. Democrats and Republicans blame each other for everything thats wrong.  Will this be “momens” and “motejaddeds” for Iran of future?  

How many parties (hezbs) will we have?  Would the MKO be represented in the government?  Would we dare allow “ammAmeh be sar ha” be represented?  God I hope not.

I can’t wait for a secular democratic Iran but I have difficulty picturing this.  Can you?  


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