For Those Who Are Still In Denial: the 1979 Devolution Was a Failure

Let’s face it.  It is time for everyone to come out and admit that the 1979 devolution was a mistake and an utter failure.  It was an orgy- and a free for all-that was started by communists and other leftist leaning groups, and was handed over on a silver platter to an Iran hating, spite filled charlatan and a cloaked Ba’athist agent who wanted nothing but revenge.  He wanted revenge from a people that he considered cowards for not fighting for him when he was sent into exile more than a decade earlier, and from a king who he saw as the only obstacle to him taking power earlier in his youth.

That uprising surreptitiously took advantage of the Iranian people’s desire for democratic governance–a desire that had remained a powerful undercurrent in the Iranian society since 1905.  But just like a lot of other things in our homeland, that desire was reduced to its lowest common denominator: blind hatred for Shah mixed with superstition and religious zealotry.  And then the scavengers came in, the MKO, and the Cherik-e Fadyi and the Toudeh, and the National Front, etc. 

So, what did the 1979 devolution accomplish?  Let’s take a look at what we have seen for the past 30 years.  Death, war, destruction, executions, funerals, torture, backwardness, erosion of women’s rights, oppression, terrorism against the Iranian people…and the list goes on.  Executions by the thousands made the Shah look like an angel and put such fear in people’s hearts that the regime, weary of people’s current uprising, is yearning to bring that horrid spectacle back by calling all who oppose it today as “Mohareb”, which was the last word that those doomed souls heard before they were marched to the firing squad or the crane that was waiting to hang them in the 1980’s. Call it a bit of psychopathic nostalgia mixed with a dash of paranoia.

I tell you one thing that the glorious devolution has accomplished: it has taken happiness away from Iran.  Music, laughter, love and happiness have been replaced with dark manteaus, and chants of “death to [insert name of entity]”.  Science has been reduced to copying useless and antiquated North Korean technology and research has been replaced with plagiarism.   The country has become a slave to the ruthless Russian mob and our share of the Caspian Sea has been reduced to 13%.  In fact, that decision was made in our absence, and the great Islamic Republic didn’t even dare raise the issue with its Russian masters so that the Russian mafia continues to support its ill-fated and doomed “nuclear” hide and seek game.  Our country’s standing in the world has been reduced to garbage, we have become the world’s bacteria and we are treated with suspicion everywhere we go.

So, let’s ask the question again: what did the 1979 devolution accomplish?  Absolutely nothing!  It was a failure and a disaster.  And just like any other failure, we will not be able to move forward and rid ourselves of its effects until we admit it.  We failed, and we must now move on.  So stop all the imaginary nonsense and the scape-goating  about Reza Pahlavi and MKO and other made up fantasies that you use to justify your failures.  It is time to move on.  Let’s say it together: we were wrong, but we will try to get it right this time but concentrating our efforts not on finding scape-goats but rather on helping our brothers and sisters inside Iran in their struggle against the cancer that has taken over our homeland.  

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