Clashes at Elm & Sanat U. tonight.

An unconfirmed yet reliable source reported this tonight as I was getting ready to go to sleep and I thought I should translate and pass it on. I thought that even if it proves to be untrue, which I think is highly unlikely given my experience with the source, I cannot let it pass and not give those kids fighting our fight in Tehran as much exposure as possible.So I translated it and am posting it here for you.

Tonight around 9:30 p.m. in the dormitory of basij st. at the Science and Technology University in Tehran there were clashes between bassij and Ansar Hezbollah forces and student.

The students of University of Basic Science had gathered from around 2:00 P.M. After lunch the students had placed their plates in the building of the University Chancellor. They then they marched chanting slogans towards the Science University.

When they returned to their dorms around 9:30 PM the calls of Allah Akbar filled the air all over the dorm and the university. From block #4 smoke and screams could be seen and heard. Around the dorm around 200 Ansars (with dark green unmarked shirts) were beating around six hundred students.

The basij students, also, were helping the paid thugs. Some of the names of the basij students are known (Nima Ibrahim, Saeed Mehdi Mahdian, Reza Mousavipour and Saeed Sajjad Khonsari. ) They turned off the lights of the area and used tear gas and electric batons to savagely beat the students. The students kept chanting ‘Death to dictator’; “Ahmadi,cursed one you are the bane of Science & tech.” and “ death to basiji paid thugs.”

The paid thugs threw at least three students out of dorm windows and afterwards took them from the University infirmary along with ten to twenty others to an unknown location. They also took the student i.d. cards of some students.

Until midnight all the doors of the University and the dorm was surrounded by the basij forces and no one was allowed to leave. The mobile phones were cut off.

This report was received via internet from a student who witnessed the events.

via Freedom Messenger Ghasedane Azadi

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