The Revolution will be youtubed
Turn to your computer
The Revolution is on youtube
Click on play
It’s the reckoning day
One dead here, one dead there
Click on pause
The Revolution is going nowhere
Grab a beer
Click on play, have your beer
No commercial interruptions
Only you and your inhibitions
Just sit and relax
Grab some snacks
Have some chips
Have another beer
It’s a diet
The Revolution is going nowhere
Have no fear
It’s only dots and dashes
You will not turn into ashes
Have one more
It’s a diet
Have a biscuit
Some chocolate
It’s all dots, dashes, and digits
The Revolution will be youtubed
Make a comment
Makes you feel good
You’re here, they’re there
Knock on wood
Have a beer
The Revolution is going nowhere
Shed a tear
Have a beer
Click on pause
That’s how it was
Two men were hanged today
Nine more will die another day
Have no fear
You’re here, they’re there
Click on pause
Use the crapper
The Revolution is going nowhere
Sit back on your chair
Think abut your lover
One raped here, one raped there
That’s the story of our nightmare
Shed a tear
Say a prayer
Have a beer
The Revolution is going nowhere
February 2010