Days after announcing that Iran was willing to send its low-enriched uranium for further processing abroad, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad told the country’s Atomic Energy Agency to begin the enrichment process in the country. However, Ahmadinejad emphasized that Iran was still open to a “fuel-for-fuel” option.
The US and its allies now face a dilemma: they can go ahead with the fuel swap, or allow Iran to come near to the threshold of “weapons-capable” uranium enrichment – 20%. On October 1, the International Atomic Energy Agency proposed a plan under which Iran would send the bulk of its low-enriched uranium to a third country to be further enriched, then shipped back to Iran for use in a medical research reactor in Tehran. Should the West choose
Dangerous steps in Iran’s nuclear dance
By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Days after announcing that Iran was willing to send its low-enriched uranium for further processing abroad, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad told the country’s Atomic Energy Agency to begin the enrichment process in the country. However, Ahmadinejad emphasized that Iran was still open to a “fuel-for-fuel” option.
The US and its allies now face a dilemma: they can go ahead with the fuel swap, or allow Iran to come near to the threshold of “weapons-capable” uranium enrichment – 20%. On October 1, the International Atomic Energy Agency proposed a plan under which Iran would send the bulk of its low-enriched uranium to a third country to be furt…