When the USA shut down Iran Air flight 655, it offered $61.5 million for damages. Assume the $22 million cost of airplane is NOT included, divide $61.5 million by 290 people, you get a little over $200,000 per person.
When Iraq struck the USS Stark in the Persian Gulf, it killed 37 US sailors. The USA demanded over ten million dollars for each sailor.
According to Americans, “The death of a child or adult is worth $1,500-$2,500, loss of limb and other injuries $600-$1,500, a damaged or destroyed vehicle $500-$2,500, and damage to a farmer’s fields $50-$250.”
“In 1983, the U.S Marine’s saw their barracks rocked in Beirut by the most powerful non-nuclear explosion that killed 241 Marines.” Now after nearly quarter-a-century, a federal judge has ordered Iran (the country was complicit with Hezbollah) to pay $2.65 billion to the families of the victims of that blast.” Almost $11 million per marine.
Yes, this is value of human lives by American standards and courts:
$11 million for each American, $200,000 for Iranians and $2,500 for Afghan people. There are those who are USA apologists, who live in lala land and think if one disagrees with them she or he is an IRI supporter. What a bunch of crock! What a bunch of moftkhors.