مهماندار هتاك هواپيمايي كيشاير از كشور اخراج شد
خبرگزاري فارس: رضاييان گفت: مهماندار يوناني پرواز شماره 7081 هواپيمايي كيشاير به دليل رفتار ناشايست و اقدام غيرمسئولانه در پرواز تهران به مقصد كيش از
خبرگزاري فارس: رضاييان گفت: مهماندار يوناني پرواز شماره 7081 هواپيمايي كيشاير به دليل رفتار ناشايست و اقدام غيرمسئولانه در پرواز تهران به مقصد كيش از
((((( اينترنت انسان را باهوش تر می كند ))))) ————————————————————————— بر اساس نتايج يك بررسي اخير، سه چهارم كارشناسان معتقدند اينترنت در 10 سال آينده
“I have asked about where the camel butcher is. We have to go to a place about 30 kilometres outside of the city. I will
SYDNEY (AFP) – Australian Catholics were celebrating on Saturday after Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that Melbourne-born nun Mary MacKillop will become a saint — ending
دفتر خاطرات 2559 ساله: 548 ق م – يك صبح زيبا جير جير پرندگان را از پنجره ميشنوم. دست و رويم را با گلاب ميشويم،
Last week’s official celebrations of the February 1979 uprising that brought down the shah’s regime in Iran stood in total contrast to the events of
I was never very comfortable in places that have only women customers. They remind me of the time when I was 7 years old and
مقام آلمانی: گزارش آژانس میتواند به حمله آمریکا منجر شود ————————————————————————— رادیو آلمان: سخنگوی دولت آلمان گفت: ادامه بی توجهی به آژانس، نقض قطعنامههای شواری
Boys and Girls choreographing a dance as an elder boy plays the Violin and their mistress looks on. Pahlavi Kindergarten, Tehran. (circa 1938) Related Blog:
به گفته فرمانده نیروی انتظامی، اگر با آنها برخورد صورت نمی گیرد، نباید این را به “حساب زیرکی” خودشان بگذارند چون چون رفتار آنها تحت
Every day 35-year-old shopkeeper Reza Baqerpour Uskowi takes the subway from his west Tehran home, gets off at the Sarsabz Metro stop and walks over
The Egyptian “boy king” Tutankhamun may well have died of malaria after the disease ravaged a body crippled by a rare bone disorder, experts say.
Stoning Women for Adultery is not a phenomena invented by the Islamic Republic. It already existed in different periods in our history except under the Pahlavi
From every conceivable angle the last greatest revolution which has metastasized into IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has been a resounding failure. After thirty one
Guido and his son Joshua are taken to a concentration camp, and to keep up Joshua’s spirits he tells him its a game. A hilarious,
Last week promotions for our comedy show, “There are no Gays in Iran”, got started with ads in iranian.com in the San Francisco Bay Area
خبرگزاری فارس: رئيس بنياد حفظ آثار و نشرارزشهاي دفاع مقدس از تغيير نام خود از “ميرفيصل ” به “سيد محمد ” خبر داد. به گزارش
جهان نیوز: بازي زيركانه چين با كارت هسته اي جمهوري اسلامي؟ پس از اعلام آغاز غني سازي 20 درصدي در ايران هم زمان با افزايش
How to read this post: every time you see JAFIO, you must say “Just Another Fucking Iranian Observation”, then go outside and breathe deeply, again,
In response to JJ’s “Gay Times” blog on the upcoming comedy night in San Francisco “There are no Gays in Iran” So when i was
In response to Jahanshah Javid’s “Gay Times” blog. I will be performing with Tissa Hami, Amir Malekpour and Max Amini in “There are no Gays
In 1999, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness called Scleroderma. It is not contagious but it is believed that it is hereditary. It wasn’t
For the Iran, freedom of expression series. If the newspapers couldn’t write about it, If the state radio and television would cover it up,
When the USA shut down Iran Air flight 655, it offered $61.5 million for damages. Assume the $22 million cost of airplane is NOT included,
I wrote this as a comment on JJ’s “Gay Times” blog on the upcoming comedy night in San Francisco “There are no Gays in Iran”.