Lets have a Referendum

It is spring break and yours truly have few free days on his hands. Thanks to TA’s to whom I am for ever indebted to, I usually spend periods like this in pondering on how to tackle the next wave of inquiring minds.

This spring break  however is rather different or should I say special. Not that I do not care about  the responsibility that I carry in respect to what I have been trusted when it comes to fulfilling my duties. But it is special in respect to the events that has been dominating my mind.

Events that accrued in past few months not only caught us Iranians by surprise but it also caught the entire western SO CALLED freedom hugging, democracy BUILDING human rights bombarding western self proclaimed countries with their pant down[so to speak].

To cut the long train of thoughts short I have come of with this brilliant [in spite of my dumbness] idea. Why not we in this IC hold a mock[wishing to be true] referendum . I mean we have just most recently voted for the most desirable female youngster of our people. Just this most recently we had a blog of all the heart throb male pick of the day.  WHY NOT vote for what we like to see happen to our country and the people of 75 million who live there?

Here is the ballet:

1.    Air Tight suffocating sanction on a nation that suffers 20% unemployment rate and 25% inflation rate.

2.    Surgical military attack on nuclear installations with potential AND near disastrous certain nuclear fall out on the entire nation of 75 million with more disastrous effect than Hiroshima and Nagasaki EXPERIMENT.

3.    All out war [aka Total War] on the nation of Iran with certain predictable result of millions upon millions of innocent deaths and displacement [aka Iraq].

4.    Continued diplomatic dialogue, despite the fact we are negotiating with an utterly and purely criminal entity called IR.

5.    Rubber stamping the so called western humanistic , particularly UNCLENCHED fist of Mr. Obama who is yet to enable himself to separate the US policy from that of dictated to HIM by entities such as AIPAC and the Zionist ilk who control this country, [whether we like to admit it or not].

6. All of the above.

7. None of the above.

Cast your vote and just imagine that you are voting for a pretty actress or a hunk of an actor. After all future of some 75 million innocent people is at stakes here

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