Illegal Arrest, Prison Abuse, And Unfair Trial

Four months after his arrest, political activist Heshmatollah Tabarzadi remains in solitary confinement cells of Ward 209 of Evin Prison. According to his lawyer, his initial court which met for the first time last Wednesday was supposed to be today but was postponed again.

His lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that her client’s interrogations have been done with “pressure, beatings, repeated and indescribable verbal insults.” Sotoudeh believes that whatever confessions are made under such circumstances are “completely illegal.” Sotoudeh also believes that her client’s arrest was illegal.

She told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: “My client, Mr. Tabarzadi was arrested on December 28, 2009, with a copy of a warrant which did not have his name on it. The law expressly says that a suspect’s name, reasons for his arrest, and his charges must be mentioned in a warrant. In his case, this was a general warrant issued by Tehran Prosecutor and his name was nowhere on that warrant. Therefore Mr. Tabarzadi’s arrest was an illegal arrest.”

Four charges are reflected in Heshmat Tabarzadi’s indictment: “Propagation activities against the regime,” “congregation and mutiny with the intention to act against the national security,” “insulting the Supreme Leader and the President,” and “disrupting public order.”

Regarding her client’s court process Sotoudeh sa… >>>

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