On Red Carpet, J.Lo Needs No “Back-up Plan”

On Red Carpet, J.Lo Needs No “Back-up Plan”

No, “The Backup Plan” isn’t the first romantic comedy starring Jennifer Lopez. But, it’s the first time she’ll play a woman who meets her dream man and becomes artificially inseminated with twins (after becoming fed up with waiting for Mr. Right) on the same day! I’m sure the formula will be the same — hilarity will ensue, meaningful things will be said, taken back, and said again, before more hilarity ensues. But, one thing we can be sure of is that – like her red carpet formula – it will be successful. Her tried-and-true way of being over-the-top while still being feminine, overly sexy while remaining classic – this is what makes J.Lo a pro. Below, a gallery of this last year’s best moments.   


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