Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings (Includes videos)

his article was originally published by Ma’an News Agency and is republished with permission.

Israel’s military came under intense scrutiny Saturday after releasing a new, heavily edited version of a video it had distributed to journalists in the days following its deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid convoy.

Initially distributing footage of its navy radioing the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara prior to a raid that left nine dead Monday, the military released a new version Friday that it said proves its claims that many aboard were religious extremists.

The audio includes two lines meant to demonstrate fanaticism on the part of Muslim passengers on board the ship, many of whom Israel’s army has claimed had “terrorist” ties. “Shut up. Go back to Aushwitz,” one man purportedly tells a navy officer via radio before another, with a heavy Southern accent, states that “We’re helping Arabs go against the US. Don’t forget 9/11 guys.”

Bloggers soon picked up on discrepancies between the two. Ma’an also investigated, approaching the army early Saturday and confirming with Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian activist and chair of the Free Gaza Movement, that her voice was used in the recording. She is heard speaking normally via radio.


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