An Important Message From Rosie To All of You

Well anyway I think it’s important. Maybe you don’t.

As most of you probably know I have decided not to post here for the foreseeable future but I continue to check the site every few days. Well it seems I’ll be making an exception from time to time (I know, I know, surprise, surprise), and this is one of them.

I thought you might like to know that recently I decided to send an item from here to all the non-Iranians on my e-mail mailing list and ask them not to forget about Iran, which is what the young woman in the photo wants. She wants people not to forget about Iran. This is the blog in which the her video message is posted:


Even though the blog itself specifically says that Bahareh was sentenced to nine years (the thread actually explains it was ten) and the youtube video doesn’t, I decided to send the youtube link only instead of the link to the blog. The reason was that so much of the discussion here has been such an embarrassment lately (agressive, foul-mouthed, juvenile, ad hominem, you name it…) that I was afraid if I sent non-Iranians to the website and they looked around, that it would turn them OFF to Iran rather than on, and they would care LESS about Iran rather than more.

I just thought you might be interested in knowing what happened. This is not to say that I exempt myself from having been guilty of same, but that is not the point. The point is that it happened. If you’re cool with that, fine. If you’re not, well neither am I, so please bear it in mind in future.

Almost one million hits per month from individual computers all over the world. Well, whatever.

Carry on.

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