Another cruise line cancels call in Israel in wake of raid on aid flotilla

Azamara Club Cruises says it canceled a port call that was to have taken place Sunday in Ashdod, Israel — the traditional gateway to Jerusalem — as tensions in the region remain high following last week’s flotilla incident.

“We concluded that it would be in the best interest of everyone onboard to cancel our visit to Ashdod,” Azamara spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez tells USA TODAY.

The change of plan for the 694-passenger Azamara Quest came six days after Israeli commandos raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in the waters off Israel, killing nine people and sparking international protests. The port of Ashdod has been at the center of ensuing events, with aid ships being diverted to the port.

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Martinez says the Azamara Quest on Sunday sailed directly to its next port of call, Haifa, Israel, and will remain docked there until 10:00 p.m. local time today.

Martinez says the change isn’t having a major impact on the ship’s passengers, as the two ports are not far apart.


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