KNIGHTHOOD: Shah Pins Medal on Young Boy (1973)

Shah Pins Medal on Young Boy.Don’t know for what particular event or merits ? Maybe he is the son of a deceased Officer ? General Azhari in the background and photographers taking snap shots. This photo is from a Military Magazine of 1973.

“A Country that Loses it’s Poetic Vision is a Country that faces death” -Saul Bellow

Don’t let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot!

Camelot lives on:

Iranian Patriotism During Iran- Iraq War (which started Shortly after the Revolution that toppled the Monarchy upon Saddam’s Attack on Iran): Young Boy Speaks to War Correspondent, On Why the West has abandoned them and helps their enemy:

Shah’s Last Will read by Shahbanou Farah:


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