The Kiss
Note: Poem was written from the perspective of a man. I love to close my eyes Imagining us cheek to cheek Wrapped in your arms
Note: Poem was written from the perspective of a man. I love to close my eyes Imagining us cheek to cheek Wrapped in your arms
یک مقام وزارت امور خارجه از احضار مجدد حافظ منافع آمریکا به منظور پیگیری ربایش شهرام امیری توسط نیروهای آمریکایی خبر داد. به گزارش پایگاه
Reza Shah Lowers an Iranian Heraldic Flag as an Officer of the Army kneels and Kisses it in Loyalty. Then Crown Prince of Iran, Mohamed
Most of Iran Air’s jets will be banned from flying to the EU because of safety concerns, the European Commission says. The ban affects Airbus
Hubby recently got into a minor car accident. Although he told me he was okay, naturally, being the panicky sort that I am, I decided to come
I’ve been in Budapest for a month now. My original plan was to settle in London for a while, get a part-time job on the
The Bush administration was pushing the IAEA to use the documents to accuse Iran of having had a covert nuclear weapons program. The administration was
If AIB, the Absolute Islamist Branch of the Green Movement has its way, Green T.V. will be coming to your television sets very soon. As
I went on and checked for rentals in Budapest. They were incredibly affordable, I mean really cheap >>> more
وزارت بازرگاني، شوراي اصناف و سازمان امور مالياتي نيز براي حل مشكلات ماليات مستقيم اصناف هم اكنون تشكيل جلسه داده اند. بازار طلا و پارچه
(Reuters) – Iranian planes continue to refuel at airports around the world, an official said on Tuesday, a day after an Iranian news report that
روز یکشنبه، خبرگزاری های داخلی به نقل از منابعی در کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاس خارجی مجلس نوشتند که به دلیل وضع تحریم های یکجانبه
جـــرس: وزیر نفت دولت دهم، به طور اتفاقی و ناخواسته، در جریان یک نشست خبری میان خبرنگاران، از خیانتی بزرگ در امور بین الملل وزارت
رئیس مرکز پژوهشها پس از مدتی سکوت امروز پشت تریبون مجلس قرار گرفت تا انتقادات شدیدالحنی را خطاب به احمدی نژاد مطرح کند. به گزارش
Princess Noor Pahlavi Eldest Daughter of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi and Princess Yasmine Pahlavi graduates from The Bullis School in the state of Maryland . Family
TORONTO— An Iranian-Canadian has been convicted of violating the United Nations Act for trying to ship goods to Iran that could be used in nuclear
نکته بسیار مهم دیگری که ما آن را رعایت می کنیم، احترامی است که توده مردم مذهبی ایران نسبت به آیت الله خمینی دارند و
به دنبال اعتصاب در بخشی از بازار تهران، مسئولان وزارتخانههای بازرگانی و اقتصاد و همچنين شورای اصناف روز سه شنبه نشستی برگزار کردند و اعلام
The Daily Mail reports that the country’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is creating a catalog of acceptable hairdos for this month’s Modesty and Veil
Please view the YouTube video (click on link below) titled “Referendum For A New Democracy” and share your comments on it.
عضو هيئت علمي دانشگاه باقرالعلوم گفت: نهايت بعثت و رسالت پيامبر اسلام با ظهور منجي عالم بشريت به اوج خود ميرسد. حجتالاسلام حسن معلمي امروز
آتش سوزي چاه 24 نفتشهر پس از 38 روز تلاش بيوقفه كارشناسان و متخصصان ايراني شب گذشته به طور كامل مهار شد. >>>
Sajjad Mohammedie Ashtiani travels to a Tabriz jail in Iran every Monday to see his mother. And for 15 minutes each week, he speaks to
The European Union on Tuesday banned most of Iran Air’s jets from European airports, saying that the decision was based on safety concerns, and not
روزنامه ابتکار: با رونمايي از مدلهاي موي ايراني مورد تأييد وزارت ارشاد، تا مدتي ديگر اين مدلها به بازار م آيد، به طوريکه با مراجعه