ROYAL CURTSY: Shirin Ebadi Greeted by Monaco’s Prince Albert II at Geneva UN Panel (2008)

Shirin Ebadi and Nigerian author and Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka appeared on a panel marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), organized by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). She was Greeted by Monaco’s Prince Albert II. The Prince is one of the major Sponsors of this Event and has personally invested himself in many humanitarian campaigns as well as issues related to environmental protection. (December 11th, 2008).

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Shirin Ebadi’s Latest Book is a Novel entitled La cage dorée which starts with a Quote of Ali Shariati : “Si Vous Ne Pouvez Pas Eliminer L’Injustice Au Moins Racontez Le a Tous” aka “If you cannot get rid of injustice the least you can do is to let the world know about it”. Ali Shariati is considered as the ideologue of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 who died in mysterious circumstances in England in 1977. Some suspected that he was eliminated by SAVAK the Shah’s secret Police, others supected other hardline Islamists to have eliminated him. More on him Here

Recommended Reading:

by Darius KADIVAR

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