United States and Israel see the next generation of armed drones as a
potent reinforcement of their military capacity against insurgents and
rogue states. But Iran and Hizbollah too are in the race, Paul Rogers
writes for openDemocracy.
By Paul Rogers for openDemocracy.net
upsurge in paramilitary violence highlights the continuing difficulties
faced by states in controlling insurgent movements. The incidents
stretch from familiar centres of conflict (Baghdad and Yemen), to
unexpected locations (Kampala), to trade-routes (the attack on the M.
Star super-tanker). This comes, moreover, at a time when the United
States is facing serious problems in Afghanistan and committed to a
progressive withdrawal in Iraq – both situations which are overshadowed
by the domestic electoral timetable in which 2010 (mid-term) and 2012
(presidential) elections approach.
An important part of
Washington’s calculations is that domestic economic constraints and
popular sentiment make new or upgraded military involvements abroad
increasingly tough choices politically – even at a time of gigantic
military budgets and an inexhaustible appetite to use them. One result
of this combination of political caution (especially after the
experience of Afghanistan and Iraq) and continuing military power is the
escalating search for ways to wage “war by remote c… >>>