Bushehr: Iran’s strike against sanctions

“Completion of the project is another sign that the international sanctions are not working,” Jerusalem Post Editorial

The much-delayed nuclear power plant in the southern Iranian city of Bushehr was uploaded with nuclear fuel on Saturday, the first step toward the Russian-built plant going online next month. This realizes a long-sought objective of Iran that at times seemed imperiled by costly delays and efforts by the United States and Israel to convince Moscow to stop it opening until Iran had complied with United Nations sanctions resolutions.

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has repeatedly stated that in Washington’s opinion Bushehr should open only if Iran reassured the world it wouldn’t be enriching uranium, or if its behavior changed as a result of international sanctions.

By all indications, Iran remains defiant. Alaedin Boroujerdi, the head of parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee, categorically stated that the “issues of uranium enrichment and national security are interconnected”. In other words, freezing the enrichment activity would pose national security risks to the country.

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