Is the problem emerged from the religions or…the peopel who misuse it?


Is this religion which brings disasters in the people lives? Or the people who may be do not believe in religions and bring disaster in other people lives?


The story begins where you are sent out of your work because they think you have other religion or you are different. Now you are not young and it is not easy to start the life from beginning. You have no experience in the free market and you do not know how you can start a new business. The people around you knew that you are in trouble and so they are planning to get you and to rob you.  But is it really the fault of religion that the people are misusing it or that the human nature which guide people to be bad and rob each other. We come to other countries, and we do not know their system and their culture, again we will be misused. In other countries we do not have the same circle of friends and family. And we generally should have contact with very low class people of that country. Generally the people in the first world, do not like the people from the third world, so they do not take them seriously and as a person said to me, the American want you for sex or business. That mean if they can use you and make money from you they come to you or if they want sex.  I do not know if it is true or not, but I see most of the people from the third world have not a nice life.  

  The only way that can bring us to the freedom is to be united; that will be unity of us regardless to our thinking. Without unity we are nothing. The other sides are united and have power and money. We do not have power and money, but if we stay united we will have power. The Iranian also should learn to be united like other advance countries and fighting for races, languages, religions or … is the way that they want it is an old method used by the super power to bring us down.  We hope that one day the whole Iranians will be again united like in the past.  In USA there are more than six thousand different churches, so they should fight with each other also, but they do not.  We are victims of religions, grouping and other man made separation, they are not.  So we should also learn to be united.  In the past just few Iranian would stay in Europe or American and did work there, they came generally back to Iran with an American or European wife and their children went sometimes to the European or American , international schools in Iran. But now everybody even the people who love Islamic government and can work easily there, prefer to stay here and do a business which is not related to their study.  American low class people are mostly the contacts of the third world people and they came also to us, because they want to misuse us. We do not know the system and they will take advantage of it. Generally they lie and they rob us.  That is part of letter which is written by an Iranian to the court system of this country to the woman who rented his house.

I called you many time and put a massage for you. But you did not call me back?


I tried to cooperate with you and gave you always time to be cooperative but sorrowfully you have misused my cooperation and help. With this notice I ask you to move out and any damages that you will do; or you did will be reported to insurance company and police.  I have a lot of tolls there and let it for you to use, all of them should be in good conditions and I have also paperwork for all of them. I tried to be nice and friendly, but you misused this attitude and you tried to be cruel and unfriendly to me. With other words you changes completely from the beginning. So are generally poor and low class American, they are more and less like animals with instincts and without love and passion. I mean we can have the same type of people among us, but we know them and we recognize them very easy, but here it is more difficult to recognize good from bad.  That is because, we cannot read deep their thinking and how they acts.  In American every little subject had a lot of as they say paperwork. That means you should repeat the same thing over and over. Ten times sometimes, you should write your name address and….so be very careful with Americans and do not trust them. They do not trust each other, too. It is their culture not to trust. And that is because they will play with your trust and will take advantages of that situation. The police and court are like in other country useless, they are more to punish nice people who care about them, but not bad people who do not care about them and do not take them seriously.  If you do not care about your credits, reputation or social status, the police let you also free. The police generally punish the people who are good and did a little mistake. They do not go after professional cheaters and or bad people, because they are dangerous and the police prefers to handle with the people who respect them and not them who will shoot at them.

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