There seems to be a consensus among Iran watchers on number of indisputable facts. One being the country is not in a stable situation internally as well as externally. The other being unless IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic relents and abides by international law the international sanctions will get increasingly tougher. And should the Islamist Rapists still refuse to comply with enforceable UNSC resolutions, other means including force will come into play.
And what does IRR do to alleviate the crisis, like an arsonist it pours gasoline on the fire it has set and studiously fans the flames.
Both Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist gangs who are proxies of IRR have openly announced their opposition to the ongoing peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis. Hamas has gone a step further and on the eve of the talks murdered four Israeli civilians and to scuttle the peace talks has avowed to do much more of the same.
And yesterday during the “Gods Day” show in Tehran, Ahmadinejad made it crystal clear that IRR will make sure peace talks will go nowhere. Besides his usual claptrap about relocating Israel to someplace else, denying Holocaust and whole lot of similar Islamist nonsense, he went a step further and announced preparations have been made to liberate Palestine.
Unfortunately out of misplaced loyalty to Iran or overabundance of ignorance combined with healthy dose of Anti-Semitism disguised as devotion to justice for the Palestinians, few Iranians in diaspora have sided with IRR on this issue. Few even try to equate the current “government” with that of Mossadegh and erroneously put on par the illegal nuke activities with the oil nationalization.
These Iranians need to be reminded that a free and democratic Iran will be far more influential in achieving their goals than a rabidly belligerent Anti-Iran IRR which is inviting devastation on the country. Of course the assumption is these Iranians value the national interests of Iran above any others’ and are not Palestine-firsters.