IRAN: Everyday Injustices Part of Life

Iranian society includes many layers of injustice.  While most of the concentration is placed on blatant violations that usually pertain to legal matters, regular acts of abuse are overlooked as norms and thus more accepted, all resulting from the governmental system in Iran. The repression, oppression, psychological and physical abuse, and the pseudo-religious indoctrinations are all inflicted by the regime into daily Iranian life.

The following clip is an example of why the regime is easily able to get away with torture and violence throughout the decades.  Three children in Tehran are shown being spanked by possibly their coach during what seems to be a swimming class.  It is alarming that none of the adults in the video react to the barbarism:

When a society tolerates child abuse, it will also tolerate lashings as punishment, torture as a means of investigation, and moral police using violence to secure public order, and so on.


MORE EVERYDAY INJUSTICE | Top Master’s Student Banned from Education

Farzaneh Jalali, an anthropolgy student at the University of Tehran who, despite being ranked sixth in the 2010 Master’s entrance exam, was expelled from continuing her education. Her efforts to review and appeal the decision have produced no results.

According to Jaras, during her studies, Farzaneh was a university student activist, a member of the Islamic Students Association, and the director of the University of Tehran’s morning newspaper.

In the wake of the university dormitory attacks and the post-election events, Farzaneh Jalali was called in to the Revolutionary Court and the office of the Ministry of Information.

Farzaneh has no previous record of being summoned to the disciplinary committee or receiving a disciplinary sentence. 


– Maryam Nayeb Yazdi and Siavosh Jalili, Persian2English 

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