Minister: Iran Expanding Fleet of Airliners

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Roads and Transportation Minister Hamid
Behbahani announced on Sunday that the country has moved to enlarge and
renew the fleet of its passenger planes, saying that 108 planes have
joined the country’s operational fleet during the last 5 years.

“A number of 108 airliners have been added to the fleet of Iranian
passenger planes during the last five years,” Behbahani said, but did
not specify if all these airplanes have been purchased from foreign

While Iran has purchased several airliners from foreign companies in
the last few years, Iranian experts have also repaired and overhauled
several planes which had been taken out of the country’s operational
fleet due to major problems or lack of spare parts in earlier years.

Meanwhile, Iran has recently started production of a passenger plane
known as IRAN-140 and the minister did not mention if the plane has
been brought into service by the country’s aviation industry.

Behbahani further pointed to his ministry’s airport capacity and
capabilities, and said, “56 out of 86 airports currently active in Iran,
including 13 international airports, are run by the roads and
transportation ministry.”

Iran has also recently started a plan to renew its air fleet through
purchase of foreign planes and domestic produc… >>>

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