Are Baha’is thinking of man as sheep?


2-Bahai Census projected by Baha’i Administration in their newsletters
and Annual Report. Here they are of the opinion that there are hundred
thousand Baha’is.

[Ref: (2) Annual Report Ridvan  165 B.E.  2007-2008 ]

3-Bahai Census given by Government of India in their official census

However, the official census of Government of India has something else
to offer.

Official census of The Government of India

A-Census of 1991

The official Census of Government of India taken in 1991 puts Baha’i
population as 5,575 (2,966 men and 2,609 women)

[Ref: (3)  Indian Census Returns, 1991, for the Baha’is of India.]

B-Census of 2001

The official Census of Government of India taken in 2001 puts Baha’i
population as 11,324 (6,138 men and 5,186 women)

[Ref: (4) Census of India, 2001]

Baha’is are quick to point out that the official census is false and
full of prejudice, as most of the census officers are Hindu and they
do not carry out their work honestly. They are however slow in their
observation that all Baha’i census are carried out by overzealous
Baha’i officers and that no person should question their integrity!

It is not a hidden fact that the census conducted by the Government of
India is carried out very meticulously by sincere and dedicated
officers going door to door covering every household. Even if we give
a 5% advantage it will not exceed 12,000. Furthermore, in questioning
leading Baha’i administrators and other knowledgeable Baha’is asking
them about the Baha’i population in India they have said somewhere
between 13000, to 14,000. There was ready acknowledgement of the
occurrence of what Juan called “fraudulent” teaching in his post.

Out of these 11,324 Baha’is,

1-Most of them are Persian

2-Some are those who have signed the card thinking that Baha’i Faith
is a social organization.

3-Some of them have signed due to deception.

4-In Pune it was reported that Persian Baha’is have gone to the
villages and they have asked illiterate villagers to sign the card
offering the temptation that signees would receive some scholarship.

5-In Madhya Pradesh, Baha’i speakers have gathered masses giving some
lectures and the speaker asking the question. Is there any one amongst
you who does not believe in God? The audience responded ‘No’. The
speaker then exhorted them to sign the card.

6-One of the Bahai official who visited India in 1984 claimed in his
speech at the Baha’i Centre that he would have easily collected 200
addresses of people saying they are Baha’is although they gathered
there under the name of a Medical Camp.

7-Many false addresses were given to acquire number of delegates
especially in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

Why should the Baha’i authorities wish to project an image more than
its reality?

1-It is in order to present an inaccurate picture to the world (as
well as to individuals considering conversion) and to make the Faith
seem much more successful and influential than it really is.

2-These addresses are recorded as “Bahais” to show to the Government
of India as the number of Baha’is to gain minority status by deception
and to avail all the facilities and privileges given by Government of
India to its minorities.

It was fairly apparent that declaring oneself a Baha’i did not mean
that an individual was being put in the position of having to “leave”
his own religious tradition (which in this case was primarily Hindu).
The declared Baha’i for the most part continued to practice
traditional behavioral idioms. Moreover there was little indication
that they had abandoned the Hindu “world view”.

It originated from Iran the most of the high ranking officers are
Persian with head quarter in Israel.

They have incorporations of Assemblies, cluster growth reflection
meetings, administrative sanctions, deprivation of voting rights,
elected arms, appointed arms, elections at local, state and national
assemblies, counselors, auxiliary board members etc to fit
requirements of an NGO and not a divine religion. Surely these are far
from the conditions satisfying the requirements of major religions of
the world.

My own conclusion was that the Baha’i Faith better fits the category
of an NGO and not one of the eight major religions of the world as is
claimed by the Baha’is.

My Iranian friends should not be made to believe that the world is
full of fools. Rather they are living in a fool’s paradise. By simple
repetition a lie cannot and will not become the truth. The Baha’i
population in India is not more than 13,000 and in the world by any
means they are not more than one hundred thousand. For a religion to
progress and propagate, sincere service is required to attract the
masses and not just lip services to attract the people and then
believing that they have abandoned the religion of their ancestors.
They cannot increase their numbers by Ruhi Books or by simply
parroting Ana’s presentation.


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