Iran ‘preparing to execute’ stoning woman

Concerns are growing over the fate of an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning after a rights group said she could soon face the death penalty.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was “deeply troubled” by the reports that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani would be executed.

Iran suspended her stoning sentence for adultery but has said she could still be hanged for her husband’s murder.

An anti-stoning rights group said Ms Ashtiani could be executed this week.

“The authorities in Tehran have given the go ahead to Tabriz prison for the execution of Iran stoning case Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani,” said the German-based International Committee Against Stoning.

The group said it had information she would be executed on Wednesday.

Mrs Clinton said the US was calling on Iran to “immediately halt any plans for Ms Ashtiani’s execution”.


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