Fool America Twice? Shame on America!

Suffice it to say Tuesday’s elections had me steaming. Never before had we seen such audacious “sore losers getting even” politics as this before. There was more outright Glee on Fox, than Glee on Fox. So sexed was “America of the 50’s”, I fully expected Boehner the next speaker of the House, to announce that he was officially canceling his Cialis prescription and changing the pronunciation of his name to Boner. He is certainly sporting more wood than the San Francisco Giants!

The Republicans not only took hostage the fledgling 3rd party alternative that could have been the real legacy of the Tea Party movement, but absconded with the biggest fomentation of outright lies and falsified truths anyone has ever seen.

And worse than that, it worked! America bought every lie and line fed to them by Rush, Sean, and Glenn like Sham Wows or Deep Fried Horse Shit at a county fair. This on the heels of the Bush administration which has been the most damaging in history. Sorry Mr. Bush you can wait all you want, your History will NEVER be kind!

The real effort began as soon as Right Wing Talk Radio realized that they could not only curse, harass, harangue, and hang Obama on his every word (including many he never uttered) with impunity, but that also, no one anywhere near the White House was going to do anything about it.

Worse, the Republicans not only nailed the Tea Partiers like an ugly secretary on the copier at the company Christmas party, but they did it without offering one single shred of solution. Other than reducing taxes so businesses can invest more in businesses that don’t have to pay taxes, the party of ideas has none. Certainly they forget that the washed out and faded Kodachrome Good Old European Immigrant Main Street America of yore they yearn so much for, had to actually be paid for. It will certainly be interesting to now watch them realize that all their rhetoric won’t create jobs.

Obama is precariously teetering on implosion. At best he’s a lame duck, and I fully expect the fickle Democrats to blame their woes on him in 2012, and dump him for a now much cooler Hillary. Has anyone noticed Hillary is smiling a lot more these days?

At the very minimum, it appears that Obama was incorrectly silent to his detractors, and should have taken them head on from day one. Because as it has now played out, by not responding to the critics, and screaming an equal and opposite sound to the crazed right blatherings, America sided with those making all the noise. The Absent argument, tantamount to an admission of guilt.

Here’s some brief examples:

The Healthcare Reform created an OPTION! Instead of being accepted as a government effort to keep the insurance companies from arbitrarily raising your rates 20-30-40% each year, Obama wanted us to have an OPTION in case we got tired of being screwed. This will keep the insurance companies more honest but more importantly more competitive, because if they pull anything, we now have a lower cost alternative. This main feature, is the gist of the healthcare issue. Other than this, we’ve always had Government run healthcare, it is called Medicare and in California it is called MediCal and both are completely free.

The Government bailout of Wall Street was an act conceived of and approved by Bush and the Republicans! You’d think from the rhetoric, that Obama came up with the idea. As a token of bi-partisanship, this was kept in place when Obama took over, and it has been well run, and virtually all the loans have been paid back with interest. Bailing out Wall Street was designed to prevent a complete financial collapse of markets, not tame the fantasies of sexy stockbrokers and their passion for bonuses. The Right equated these 2 as the same thing.

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan were conceived and fomented in the wild meanderings of Bush/Cheney’s heart stopping terms. Yet Obama who ended one and is firmly embroiled in another is now suddenly to blame.

In response from the White House? “Can you please get out and vote?” literally the last week before the election. Certainly too little, and too late. No wonder Obama lost his voice towards the end. He hadn’t had any practice.

Here in California though, there was one bright “YEAH!” moment when the wickedest witch of the east of Silicon Valley, Meg Whitman got a taste of what it has been like for most eBay bidders, namely how it feels to lose a bid! Just like an average eBay experience, she waited right up to the last minute confident that she would win the bid because apparently everyone in California is an idiot and can’t see someone obviously attempting to buy an election. Jerry Brown’s no peach, but he gets the system and has been there before with reasonably moderate success. Whitman still doesn’t get that being Governor is not like being the CEO of an online monopoly. No one has to actually listen to you, Meg. At eBay if they didn’t do what she wanted, Meg could fire them. Sacramento politics is different, Meg. You can’t outsource or lay anyone off if they don’t listen.

So what does this have to do with being Iranian?

Nothing. And everything.

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