My Opinion on the American Mid Term Elections

American Politics..Democrats lost,Republicans won.

After reading another Blog here (with no suprises) I question:

Really what is it that drives Iranian Democrats in American politic ? The idealogy of Democracy from Democrat’s that never appears? That lingering dream? No,I think It’s very clear why Iranians like Democrats.. Because they have no balls.They are wimped out spineless wet noodles giving lip service..(Usually) .

On the other hand,they hate Republicans because,Republicans have the balls to bomb Iran if the situation arose.

So maybe you have some reason to be scared.I think that many of you drink that fear like a parched desert nomad.

But in all this,The BIG disadvantage is,the Democrats don’t have the balls to accomplish anything..It doesn’t take much observance to tell that.

All they know is how to play their politics of blame Republicans for every single thing.. That is how they get elected.After that – CLUELESS and screwing business and homeowners.

I can’t help it they are INCOMPETENT.Look at Reid,Pelosi,Boxer,and you want SHAME?????? Bah What a laugh..With them,it’s Politics first,governing and leading second,if that.I don’t care what their ‘social image’ is.It’s not a ‘beauty’ contest.Those Rep’s just plain out blow,been there for years with NOTHING to show.Except,as I said,their bickering politics of blame,blame,blame..

You would think Democrats would be smart enough to know it doesn’t work to blame everyone else when you are in charge.But that is not what they did.The ‘campaign’ never ended..You have the majority,You have to produce.Not talk aout it anymore.No excuses..You have to actually do it,as a team in congress.You have to actually work with other people..Well the same will be going for the Republicans if they sit and do NOTHING to fix this economy,they are OUT also.They have sold out our jobs while the democrats have been taxing what’s left of them…..

But this time,Democrats played with the American people,treated them as unknowledgeable morons.Which,alot of us are..’No,people don’t need to know what is in the Healthcare bill’,this after paying these CLOWNS for 2 YEARS to write it.

I recall that line ‘ just go ahead and vote for it and you will find out’…This is standard for Democrats and a exactly how they get the youth vote.Feed a bunch of dumb kids line after line..That’s their BASE..

Well Times are different today.This country is sick of poltics in General..Yet Democrats are in campaign mode all the time.
This loss is not over.Just because the Democrats are packing their bags,the American people are still Irate at them.I guarantee the more they will open their mouth between now and the Presidential election,the more they will be bound to lose again..

They are caught,people are on to their B.S..They have lied with this ‘Change’ crapola and though that may be unfair to say,I know Obama has tried,still many do see it as such. A LIE….It’s a pretty dang close to a true statement to say they haven’t changed a thing.

Now,I’m Optimistic on a nationwide level and since Obama is a liberal,I believe he is going to be ‘swayed’ by Republicans.He’s a smart man but liberal’s are led by emotion and varying other weakness..So I can see,it is possible.But only because mainly I believe Obama at heart is a tad bit conservative…I think he may actually work with congress on the job market.If he doesn’t,my bet is he will be gone soon also.He doesn’t appear to be taking this approach yet however,for his own benefit I hope he does ‘change’…

Despite this, I’m very pessimistic about California.The Brown shirt’s came out to vote once again proving that California Republicans and Independents simply DO NOT care anymore.Most of them have been driven out..I admit I barely got myself to go vote,it’s so depressing. I cannot let myself care how bad it gets here,its too upsetting to watch Democrats flush California down the toilet…Republicans had a good hand in it but it is only fiscal conservatism that will fix the problem.It’s just basic ECONOMICS 101…But we know this won’t be happening with Brown as Gov and the Congress completely Democrat.I know it’s too bad it was time to throw the bums who waste California but the alternative was Republicans,so none of that.Instead settle for a Brown Future.If history tell’s you anything,you’d know it was the BROWN PAST that got us here.Brown began DIGGING this grave and he has come back to fill it in now.

More people are going to leave California and I wouldn’t doubt that by the next election California will lose ANOTHER SEAT.Poverty will be greater than ever before in California…

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