Seeking Farsi four letter words

Here’s how you turn DOG into GOD one letter at a time: DOG   DOT   GOT   GOD. The connection between these two words is not in meaning but in their being spelled exactly the reverse of each other. Here are some Farsi words transformed one letter at a time where the connection is in the meaning.

[گرم     گرد     سرد]

Too easy? Let’s make the same connection with two steps in between:

[داغ   داد  درد   سرد]

or three steps in between:

[گرم    گرد      خرد  خرک    خنک]

Here’s a 12 step one, turning yellow into its opposite color blue via the intermediate color green:

[زرد   سرد   سود   سوت  سوز  سبز  ساز  تاز   تیز   لیز  لرز  لری  آری  أبی]

Four letter words (the subject of this blog, by the way) are a pain. I tried changing black into white but it fought back and ended up right where it belonged.

[سیاه  سیاح    سلاح    سلام    کلام     کلاغ]

So I’m looking for four letter Farsi word transformations that connect via a meaning–opposites, different color, taste…anything meaningful.


1. Any word in Dehkhoda is a Farsi word.

2. Tashdid, hamzeh and stuff aren’t important, but correct spelling is.

3. compound words, plurals, possessives etc. are discouraged though allowed if the ghaafieh gets too tang.

Prize is a decent bottle of wine. Entries will be judged by number of letters in the word, number of steps (the higher the better, this isn’t an efficiency puzzle), and overall aesthetic quality of the connection.

But don’t fret the rules; go for aesthetics. After all, the sexiest and most spiritual transformation is in two letters with only one step in between:

[من   تن‌   تو]

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