WikiLeaks — More Israeli Game Theory Warfare?

United States is the real victim of
. It’s an action aimed at discrediting them.” Franco Frattini,
Foreign Minister of Italy

The impact of the WikiLeaks release of diplomatic cables fits
the behavior profile of those well versed in game theory warfare.

When Israeli mathematician Robert J. Aumann received the 2005
Nobel Prize in economic science for his work on game theory, he conceded, “the
entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel” has turned
“Israel into the leading authority in this field.”

The candor of this Israeli-American offered a rare insight
into an enclave long known for waging war from the shadows. Israel’s most
notable success to date was “fixing” the intelligence that induced the U.S. to
invade Iraq in pursuit of a geopolitical agenda long sought by Tel Aviv

When waging intelligence wars, timing is often the critical
factor for game-theory war planners. The outcome of the WikiLeaks release
suggests a psy-ops directed at the U.S.

Why now? Tel Aviv was feeling pressure to…

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