
جنبش عجیب نویسی

سالن آمفی تئاتر کم نور کم نور کم نور بود. انگار در سالن به این بزرگی‌، فقط یک شمع روشن کرده بودند. بااینهمه دو چیز

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حماسه حلاج (3)

قسمت اول قسمت دوم قسمت سوم و پایانی از دیوان مزامیر عشق ****** ای ذات تو لا یزال و سبحان وی وصف تو فوق وهم

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Joining Them

Don’t know what makes me think of the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” It sounds rather hostile, doesn’t it? But I

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Ghosts or Heroes?

A recent email floated by, you know, the kind of email that presumes to be one of our “intellectual moments” and slyly asks you to

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Cartoon: “Fit in or else”

Titled “Fit in or Else” Open to interpretation. in Art there are no wrong answers, just creativity.   Crossposted at Artwork 2010© Visit the

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House of Gods

Wikipedia: Oil tycoon J. Paul Getty originally opened a gallery adjacent to his home in Pacific Palisades, California, USA. Finding that he quickly ran out

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عرس مولانا

امروز هفدهم دسامبر مقارن با هفتصد و سی‌ و هفتمین سالروز وفات مولانا جلال الدین محمد بلخی (رومی) می‌‌باشد. در غروب چنین روزی درخشان‌ترین چهره

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Material support

The destructive nature of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, toward Iran and Iranians is a matter of established fact. So is IRR’s funding for international

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Take me for a ride, please

I crave to interact with strangers but it’s always with extreme caution, if at all. I’m nervous and clumsy. And then whoever I’m trying to

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Byelines are quickest way to create public opinion it seems.  Is this seriously true?  We are led to believe that this is exactly what the

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مدونا و محمود

وقتی که مدیر هنری مدونا به او زنگ زد و گفت که محمود احمدی نژاد رئیس جمهور ایران دوست دارد که با او یک ملاقات

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The Quest for Barbari Bread

I’ve been craving Barbari bread for years now. I’ve asked for it at every Persian food restaurant and market I’ve come across here in California.

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