As they say, the dumbest question you can ask is the one to which you know the answer. I posted this question purposefully to bring an important issue to our attention. Iran, as you may know, has the dubious distinction of being the only country in which selling human organs is legal! Here in the US selling human organs is illegal. Zero-price for human organs, as a result, has created a persistent shortage and thousands of, perhaps needless, deaths, 6500 per year according to some estimate. Patients on waiting list faced with an imminent death unable to find a matching donor. Many more may dies because they are not placed on waiting list to begin with because their doctors think the probability of finding a suitable donor is nil. It seems that many of such death incidences could have been prevented had we had a real market for human organ.
Needless to say, monetary incentive is not, and should not be, always the main motivation behind what people do or refuse to do. Organ donation is certainly more than a business transaction; it is done for moral gratification and saving lives not for the pecuniary reward. Allowing trades on human organs undermines human altruism and passion for saving the lives of others. It makes you wonder why in a country in which the moral values and altruism is the pillar of its government, the sales of human organs are allowed?
And if in facts, monetary incentive argument has such a strong merit, can we say that the government of Iran has done at least one thing right?